Planning a vacation can be overwhelming, but with Seabreeze & Sunshine Travels, it becomes an enjoyable journey. We specialize in crafting personalized travel experiences, handling every detail to ensure your trip is seamless and memorable.
Begin by scheduling a complimentary consultation where we discuss your travel aspirations, preferences, and any specific requirements. This conversation helps us understand your vision and determine the best planning package for your needs.
Based on our discussion, we curate a personalized itinerary that aligns with your interests and budget. We handle all aspects of your trip, including flights, accommodations, transportation, tours, and travel protection, ensuring a cohesive and stress-free experience.
We present a detailed proposal outlining your travel plan tailored to your preferences. We review each element together, making adjustments as needed to ensure it perfectly matches your expectations.
Once the itinerary is finalized, we manage all bookings and provide you with professionally prepared travel documents. You’ll also have access to your personalized itinerary through our user-friendly app, keeping all your travel details at your fingertips.
Embark on your journey with confidence, knowing that every detail has been meticulously arranged. We remain available for support throughout your trip, ready to assist should any need arise.
Upon your return, we look forward to hearing about your experiences. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to continually enhance our services and support you in planning future adventures.
We offer flexible packages with transparent pricing, tailored to meet any travel style. The planning fee is determined upfront based on the type and complexity of your trip, ensuring no hidden costs.
$50 per Household
Ideal for ocean, river, or expedition cruises, escorted/guided tours, or resort stays without additional travel components like flights, accommodations, transportation, or activities. It includes up to three itinerary options aligned with your travel style and destination.
$100 per Household
Perfect for cruises, tours, or resort stays requiring additional arrangements such as flights, accommodations, transportation, or activities. Provides comprehensive planning with up to three proposal options for your cruise, tour, or resort.
Starting at $150 per Household
Designed for independent travelers seeking a fully customized experience. We craft a bespoke itinerary covering all requested travel components, with pricing based on trip duration and complexity. Please be aware that an expedited fee will apply for travel arrangements requested within 60 days of departure.
Custom Pricing
Tailored for groups of ten or more travelers, this package offers personalized planning for family reunions, corporate retreats, or special interest groups. We work closely with the group organizer to create a cohesive plan, then assist each household in aligning their arrangements with the group itinerary.
$200 per Household
Lastly, we understand things can change, so we offer emergency support and rebooking services. We'll take care of all the details if you need to cancel your trip and rebook the same vacation for a later date.
Not Available
Here are a handful of options we do not offer:
Expertise and Experience
As a Certified Leisure and Group Travel Specialist, we bring extensive knowledge and industry connections to every planning process, ensuring exceptional service and unique experiences.
Personalized Service
We take the time to understand your individual preferences, crafting itineraries that reflect your travel style and interests.
Transparent Pricing
Our clear fee structure ensures you know exactly what to expect, with no hidden costs.
Continuous Support
From the initial consultation to your return home, we provide ongoing support, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.
Sit back, relax, and let Seabreeze & Sunshine Travels handle your travel planning. We are dedicated to crafting vacations that meet your preferences, allowing you to travel with confidence and peace of mind.
Each newsletter is thoughtfully crafted to keep your wanderlust alive while delivering the inspiration and knowledge you need to find your next adventure.
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 7 pm EST
Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm EST
Closed Sundays and all holidays
Easley, South Carolina
(864) 354-7170