My name is Daniela, and I’m the proud founder and lead travel advisor at Seabreeze & Sunshine Travels. I live in beautiful South Carolina with my husband, daughter, and two Ragdoll cats. Originally from Bavaria, Germany, I’ve always had a strong passion for travel, which began in childhood as I explored Europe and developed a deep appreciation for its landscapes, cultures, and people.
Whether it’s a quiet mountain village or a bustling cityscape, Europe remains close to my heart—and I love helping my clients discover its magic for themselves. Cruising is another passion of mine, as there’s nothing quite like the freedom of exploring the world from the water. Whether sailing on a luxurious ocean liner, gliding along Europe’s scenic rivers, or embarking on an expedition cruise to remote destinations, I find that each voyage offers a perfect balance of adventure and relaxation.
Since founding Seabreeze & Sunshine Travels in 2019, my mission has been to help clients enjoy seamless, enriching, and stress-free travel experiences that align with their unique goals and dreams.
Ready to make unforgettable memories? I can’t wait to hear where your travels will take you next and to craft a journey that’s perfectly tailored to you. Let’s bring your dream vacation to life!
As your personal travel advisor, my goal is to create unforgettable journeys that bring your travel dreams to life. I work with top-rated, trusted travel partners to design seamless itineraries, offer tailored recommendations, and handle all the details from start to finish.
Here’s a look at some of the travel styles and experiences I specialize in:
Education and industry expertise matter, and I stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving travel world to ensure you’re in capable hands.
My certifications and affiliations include:
At Seabreeze & Sunshine Travels, we are a full-service travel agency that provides personalized consultation and planning for flights, accommodations, tours, cruises, transportation, and activities. As an independent agency affiliated with World Via Travel Network and Travel Leaders Network, we leverage strong industry connections and insider knowledge to offer you exclusive experiences and benefits.
Unlike online booking sites, we provide dedicated service and in-depth expertise, handling all the details so you can focus on enjoying your journey. Whether you seek a luxury river cruise, a culturally immersive tour, or a relaxing family getaway, our commitment is to make your travel experience seamless, fulfilling, and unforgettable.
Each newsletter is thoughtfully crafted to keep your wanderlust alive while delivering the inspiration and knowledge you need to find your next adventure.
Monday to Friday: 9 am - 7 pm EST
Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm EST
Closed Sundays and all holidays
Easley, SC 29642
(864) 354-7170